While there are many winter related Wonders at Wonderopolis, I'd like to share some of the snowy related Wonders. What's better than spending a snowy day wondering about weather and snow? These Wonders would be great to share before an impending snow, with your class via social media when they have a snow day off of school, or upon the return from a day off of school because of snow.
#79 Why Are All Snowflakes Different? (Lisa Kincer-@KincerLisa suggests using black construction to catch and observe snowflakes)
#97 What's the Difference Between Snow, Sleet and Freezing Rain?
#103 Why Is Sand or Salt Put On Roads When It Snows?
#437 How Are Sleds and Sleights Different?
#463 What's the Best Thing To Do on a Snow Day? (great for graphing or a writing prompt)
#479 Do All Animals Leave Tracks?
#481 Where Is the Coldest Place on Earth?
#494 Why Is Ice Slippery?
#534 Do All Mountains Wear Snowcaps?
#769 What Causes an Avalanche?
#799 What Is a Cold Front?
#814 Can It Snow When It's Not Cold?
#839 What's So Special About Snow Tires?