Thursday, March 1, 2012

Slice of Life 2012 #1

Here I go....  Since hearing Ruth Ayres speak last week at the Dublin Literacy Conference I have gone back and forth about whether to participate in the Slice of Life 2012.  This is a very busy time for me.  I'm a mom, wife, 2nd grade teacher, one class away from finishing my Master's degree and a Wonder Lead Teacher for Wonderopolis.  I've questioned whether I have the time to devote to this, but have finally decided to jump in.  I'm excited to learn about myself as a writer, improve my own craft and share with my students along the way about the writing I am doing.  So.... Again, HERE I GO!  I've taken the leap!


  1. Leap! Leap away! It's challenging and rewarding at the same time.

    1. Thank you for your comments. Yes, I am on my way.

  2. I wonder where it will take you???? You will not regret taking on this challenge. It's an amazing experience that will continue to help you grow as a teacher, a mom, a wife, and a wonderer!

    1. I "wonder" too. As I am working on my Slice for tomorrow, I do feel how great of a reflection this is becoming.

  3. I'm touched that I inspired you to slice. WELCOME! I hope you find writing in March to wrap around all your other roles and you will find big meaning in the small moments.

    1. Thank you for your comments. You have inspired me in more ways than one, so thank you!
