Monday, April 30, 2012


One Little Word

I can't believe it is the end of April and I am once again reflecting on my One Little Word (OLW) for the year, JOY.  April has been an exciting month, as it has brought the end to my master's program.  I under took the program 18 months ago with three fellow teachers at my school.  They have each brought "joy" during the program for different reasons (see below).  As much as I hated writing my papers every other Saturday (yes, I would put them off until the last possible moment), I looked forward to meeting with my group each week.  It was more than just talking about our "discussion questions".  Each of the teachers are at different stages in their lives and each time we met, I enjoyed hearing about what they were up to.  We also talked about school and any weekly rumors we had heard, our classrooms and how stressed each of us was.  It was a "joy" to be supported by such amazing educators during the program.

Rachael-We share a modular unit and our classrooms are adjoined.  It seems that we have naturally clicked both personally and professionally since we began working together 4 years ago.  During our master's program she was trying to get pregnant and is now almost 22 weeks pregnant with twins (a boy and girl).  It's been a "joy" reliving one of the most exciting times of my life as she shared each week about her pregnancy.

Katie-During our master's, Katie met the man of her dreams and got married this month.  What an exciting time for her.  It was pure "joy" hearing about her wedding plans and the excitement she would share with us each week.

Ashley-While Ashley is still looking for that perfect person to spend the rest of her life with, she took the plunge during our master's and bought her first house.  It was a "joy" hearing about the process and the highs and lows of being a first time home buyer.

I am so happy to be finished with my master's work, but will miss our weekly meetings.  I feel blessed to have been able to take on this journey with Rachael, Katie and Ashley.  I also feel blessed for the "joy" they brought me during the journey.

Please check out other OLW participants:
Maria at Teaching in the 21st Century
Tracy at Thinking Stems
Melissa at Figuring out how the pieces fit...
Tara at Teaching Life

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