Friday, September 7, 2012

Using Wonderopolis to Teach an Author's Craft - Similes

On Tuesday, I was excited to see the Wonder of the Day, #702 Are You Sly as a Fox? and knew immediately this would be the first author's craft I would introduce.  I started by having students write about the Wonder when they came in on Tuesday.  We then discussed the Wonder and talked about what a simile is.  On Wednesday, I shared Wonder #607 Are All Bullies Big? to continue working on building community in our classroom.  My students thought the video that went with the Wonder was hilarious (we even watched it twice).  We talked about what kind of similes we could use to describe the video.  Each student came up with a simile using the starter, "The video was as funny as..."  They quickly shared with each other and then those that wanted to share with Wonderopolis shared, while I typed.

Also, during the week, I shared two great mentor text for similes by Hanoch Piven.  The first, My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks and the second, My Best Friend is as Sharp as a Pencil.  After each read, we talked about why a growing writer would use similes and how we could use them in our own writing.  Students also practiced writing similes during the week.
On Friday, we added simile as our first author's craft to our class anchor chart for students to refer to and use in their own writing throughout the year.

Check out these ideas for teaching similes at 

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