Friday, June 28, 2013

A Perfect End to Camp What-A-Wonder "Super Structures" Week

This week the theme at Camp What-A-Wonder was "Super Structures." We spent time each night as a family wondering, learning and discussing about different structures in our area.  We discussed how they are built and what they are made of.  We also spent time reminiscing about building our house eight years ago.

Each Friday night both of my kids participate in a Minecraft building contest.  I'm amazed at what they they are able to accomplish each week in three hours.  Tonight is a perfect ending to our "Super Structure" week of learning.  They are both working on a "space" themed building.  Ben is working on a space park and Betsy is working on a space museum for the contest.  What a great way to connect our learning to their weekly building contest!

Be sure to share your families weekly wondering, learning and connections to Camp What-A-Wonder with Wonderopolis.  Share your pictures on Facebook, Twitter or you can email them to Wonderopolis at

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